About Us
FUTURE TENSE BOOKS was started in Spokane, Washington in 1990 and had a brief stint in Arkansas before moving to Portland, Oregon in 1992. Throughout the years, Future Tense has gone from scrappy xeroxed chapbooks (even before we had a computer) to beautifully designed paperbacks, limited edition hardcovers, our pocket-sized Scout Books series, and eBooks. We’re proud to have published many groundbreaking debuts and small press classics throughout the years (like Garielle Lutz, Chelsea Hodson, Jamie Iredell, Zoe Trope, Susannah Breslin, Aaron Gilbreath, Wendy C. Ortiz, Myriam Gurba, Jay Ponteri, Sarah Grace McCandless, Shane Allison, Mike Topp, Elizabeth Ellen, May-Lan Tan, Chloe Caldwell, Chelsea Martin, and so many others). See our Hall of Fame page to see some of these awesome (out of print, but never forgotten) artifacts. We take pride in publishing new and groundbreaking writers and books that take chances and go places where you might not expect. We’re committed to showcasing writers who are not just important and innovative, but also accessible and fun. We’re in this to create real art. We’re in this for the long haul.
Thank you all for your support and love!

Emma Alden
Editorial & Publicity (Philadelphia)

Michael Kazepis
Book production
We do use interns occasionally, but we don’t have a dedicated business office. If you are writing to us about internships, please understand that we may not have as much work as other publishers will. And if you still want to help, we ask that you live in Portland and have a car.
Our current intern is Hazel Byers.
Our legendary pre-2016 Designers & eBook production guy was the great Bryan Coffelt.
We are indebted to former “Instant Future” editor, Matthew Simmons, as well as former publicist and book champion Bianca Flores (who now works as Publicity Manager at Riverhead Books).
Design assistance after that came from Tyler Meese and Ryan Brewer
For review copies and other information: info at futuretensebook.com
Recent publicity and technical interns: Ariana Marquis, Tina Morgan, Ariana Vives, Sarah Hale, Christian Minnick
Website rebuild by Adam Robinson.
Most titles can be purchased also through Powells.com and Amazon.com (including through their international sites). Our books can be ordered by most book stores, no matter where you live. Our paperback titles can be ordered from bookstores through Ingram Tennessee and Asterism. Many of our recent books can also be ordered through our friends at Antiquated Future.
We are not taking submissions at this time. Submissions will be largely ignored during this time. Our limited submissions windows are mostly due to the fact that we only publish three (sometimes four) books in a year, and we’re often set for our projects for the next year or more.