Altitude Sickness by Litsa Dremousis


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For the first time in print. The bestselling eBook in the Instant Future series. $6, 44 pages

When a some-time lover and full-time friend dies in a climbing accident, Litsa Dremousis is left to deal with the aftermath: the loss of a soul-mate, the apartment filled with little ambushes in the form of objects from the relationship, and the difficult task of understanding what it was that made this person she loved repeatedly risk his life. And she’s also left to wonder how to feel.

Altitude Sickness by Seattle writer Litsa Dremousis is an important addition to the conversation about the social responsibilities and emotional consequences of climbing-related tragedies and a funny, furious, and heartbreaking personal story.

Litsa Dremousis’ essay “After the Fire” was selected as one of the “Most Notable Essays of 2011” by Best American Essays 2012. She’s a Contributing Editor at the literary site The Weeklings, which partners with Salon. Her work appears in The Believer, Esquire, Jezebel, McSweeney’s, Men’s Health, Monkeybicycle, MSN, New York Magazine, Nerve, Paste, Poets & Writers, Salon, Slate, The Weeklings, on NPR, KUOW, and additional venues. She has interviewed Sherman Alexie, The Black Keys, Death Cab for Cutie, Ron Jeremy, Janelle Monae, Alanis Morissette, Kelly Rowland, Wanda Sykes, Rufus Wainwright, and several dozen others. Twitter @LitsaDremousis.