Sean the Stick by Kevin Sampsell and Emma Jon-Michael Frank (Limited Hardcover Edition)



We’re not sure what to call Sean the Stick. Is it an existential children’s tale? A weird book for all ages? Is it a story about a person who becomes best friends with a stick? Is it a love story about nature? Nature versus nurture? This beautiful hardcover book combines a Kevin Sampsell short story told in simple (yet emotionally vast) short sentences with colorful drawings by Emma Jon-Michael Frank, an artist whose celebrated works of vulnerability, humor, and empathy have garnered their work an enthusiastic and growing audience over the years.

Where did this book come from?
About two years ago, Kevin asked Em if they would make some art for the story, Sean (which was originally published in Diagram). Wanting to keep the project a secret, Kevin finished other projects in the meantime until finally putting the book together to drop on unsuspecting readers. This is the first book on Future Tense published exclusively in hardcover with full color art. We hope it makes you smile.

Kevin Sampsell is the author of I Made an Accident: Collages and Poems (Clash Books), This Is Between Us (Tin House), and other books. He is the publisher of Future Tense Books in Portland, Oregon.

Em (Emma Jon-Michael Frank) is the author of Dark Garbage, Is This The Right Color, and two collaborative books, Things To Do Instead of Killing Yourself with Tara Booth, and The Archway with Patrick Kyle. She lives in the US, between Austin, Philadelphia, and Brooklyn.
Em on Instagram

ISBN 9781892061966
60 pages, hardcover
Publication date: 1/16/24

Additional information

Dimensions 8 × 8 in