Submission Party! (Now Closed as of Oct 1st)

Submission Party! (Now Closed as of Oct 1st)

Okay, so calling it a party may be pushing it, but it’s been over three years since we have had an open call or asked for emailed submissions, so there is a renewed excitement here. And during this pandemic/quarantine era, I thought it would be great to find...
Thanks for Helping Us Support BLM

Thanks for Helping Us Support BLM

We had a beautiful response to our Black Lives Matter fundraiser last month and with your help was able to donate $813.89 to Black Lives Matter and the crucial work they do. Thank you so much!
Black Lives Matter Sale

Black Lives Matter Sale

For the month of June, 2020, we’d like to show support for those directly suffering in our current racist climate in a world where white nationalism and police brutality are given a pass and even encouraged by many. We’ll be donating 75% of sales from our...
Summer Park Reading #2

Summer Park Reading #2

Summer is going by faster than we all want it! I’m hosting another blockbuster Summer Park Reading. Volume 2 of this wonderful series features beloved Portland poet Chrys Tobey, genre-bender Dao Strom, and Seattle guests Richard Chiem (author of the novel, King...
Summer Park Readings 2019!

Summer Park Readings 2019!

I think summer is probably my favorite time of year in Portland. All the flowers come out of hiding, I get to click on the bedside fan, and weekend porch reading and writing time is in full effect!Also, I dust off my portable amp and microphone and ask some of my...